(from the files of Bonnie Stewart)

Welcome to the theoryblog. I’m Bonnie Stewart….an educator, learner, and social media researcher fascinated by who we are when we’re online.

(photo credit: Kate Inglis)

(photo credit: Kate Inglis)

I’ve spent the past 15 years exploring the intersections of knowledge and technology, both in professional contexts and in academia. I hold a Ph.D in Educational Studies from the University of Prince Edward Island’s Faculty of Education. My dissertation (2015) took up scholarship in a time of knowledge abundance, and how influence is cultivated in academic Twitter.

Digital identities, networked reputations, and the implications of social media for institutions: these are what I do. You can find my full portfolio at bonstewart.com, send me an email at bstewart@upei.ca, or join me thinking out loud on twitter as @bonstewart.

This space is intended to be both a public conversation and a breadcrumb trail of work and ideas in progress. Feel free to engage with these ideas, borrow these ideas (with attribution, please and thank you) or tell me I’m wrong about these ideas. Preferably civilly.

8 Comments (from the files of Bonnie Stewart)

  1. Pingback: London dag 2 |

  2. Pingback: ESRC Final Year Conference 2014 reviewed | Hazel Hall

  3. Dilrukshi

    Hi Bonnie,
    I am from #Sholar14 in Canvas Platform.

    I read you profile and really like to have a chat, one to one,
    It is about open research, My country is Sri Lanka and the culture here in Academia is very stick and traditional and I think they practice ancient way of doing research.
    One of my course objective is to have a close idea of digital identity , why open research and not..?
    Please let me know if we can have a hangout at your convient time. Perhaps during next week. I am GMT+5.30 .

    1. bon

      Hi Dilrushki,

      Open research is a challenging topic here in North America, too…in many ways it’s still on the margins of established academic practices and whether it gets taken seriously has a lot more to do with the leadership of particular individuals in particular places (and with the culture of given institutions and faculties, as there can be huge variation even in the same city or on the same campus).

      I’d be glad to talk…though email may work better than a hangout as I’m travelling & in a lot of meetings this week, so finding a synchronous time would be challenging, especially as you’re 9.5 hours ahead of me and I’m travelling two hours back in timezones. Send me a note at bstewart@upei.ca with your questions re digital identity and we can work it out from there.

      Looking forward to talking.

  4. Pingback: The Decay of Twitter

  5. Pingback: Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE ATLANTIC ON THE DECAY OF TWITTER: But I’m still talking in terms of feel: a biased, decidedly…

  6. Pingback: TECNOLOGÍA » The Decay of Twitter

  7. Linda Gross

    Bonnie – I read the article “Decay-Twitter”, was intrigued by author’s mention/summary of you and now, have spent the past hour and a half reading your posts, watching your videos, and being completely enthralled by your message.
    I’ve been a ‘techie’ since the late 70’s, adult educator for 30+ years, and I now live and work almost entirely online – and wow, your message resonates strongly. It is very amazing to see myself through your point of view.
    I’m looking forward to following you (in the best way!) and reading more from you. You make a huge difference – thank you.


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